Installing Kanbanoo in your M-Files system

System Requirements

  • M-Files Online on premise, version 22.3. or higher, M-Files Cloud shared or isolated service
  • Microsoft Edge browser installed on all end user computers.
Note: The Microsoft Edge browser itself is not used by Kanbanoo, but installing it ensures that the latest version of Microsoft's HTML rendering engine is present on end user computers which comes with required features and improves performance and security.

Installation Instructions


You need
  1. the application binary *.mfappx file (for M-Files Cloud you will need the signed mfappx file) and
  2. a license (*.LIC) file that you receive when you purchase the software or request a trial.
  3. access to M-Files Admin and vault administrator privileges.
In the process the vault will be restarted, so you may want to do this outside regular office hours.


  1. Install the downloaded *.mfappx file with M-Files Admin like any other add-on.
  2. We recommend to also make a small (optional) modification to the vault structure to unlock two corresponding Kanbanoo features by adding two properties, to unlock the In Progess state and to enable the use of Title Images on Kanban cards.

Installation Process

  1. Download the above mfappx file and obtain a license file
  2. In M-Files Admin, right-click the target vault and select Applications.
  3. In the Applications window, select Install, then select the downloaded mfappx file and press Open.
  4. Back in the Applications window, select License and then Install License and select the *.LIC file you have received.
  5. Back in the Application License Management Window select OK and in the Applications window select Close.
  6. M-Files Admin may now ask you to restart the vault. Confirm the restart (or remember to restart later).

Note that you will have to repeat steps 2 to 6 for each vault where you want to use Kanbanoo.
Applications window of M-Files Admin

Kanbanoo can now be used. Please note that users may have to restart their M-Files client for the add-on to load.
To be sure, you may want to re-open the vault's Application window and confirm that you have Kanbanoo installed with "The license is valid" in the License column (this information is only updated after you restart the vault).

Optional (Recommended): Unlock "In Progress" state

By default M-Files assignments can be only either completed or not. The "Kanban way" is to have an in-between state to indicate that a user is actively working on the assignment. To allow Kanbanoo to manage this additional state we must create a new M-Files property definition (which will be managed by Kanbanoo automatically).
This property definition has to be of Data Type
Boolean and has to have the alias "com.kanbanoo.InProgress".
Create a new property definition with Data Type Boolean and alias "com.kanbanoo.InProgress".
Appearance of a Kanban board for M-Files assignments with and without In Progress state.
Here is how to create it:
  1. Open M-Files Admin and navigate to the target vault.
  2. Navigate to Metadata Structure (Flat View) and select Property Definitions.
  3. In the right panel select New Property Definition - a new window will open.
  4. Give the property a name, for example "Kanban In Progress" or similar.
  5. Select the Data Type "Boolean (yes/no)".
  6. In the Advanced tab, enter "com.kanbanoo.InProgress" in the Aliases field and press OK.

Kanban boards for M-Files assignments will now have three columns, "
Requested", "In Progress" and "Done" and users will be able to freely move assignments between Requested and In Progress. Once the user completes the assignment it will automatically move to Done.
Kanbanoo will automatically add the above property to M-Files assignments and manage its value.

Optional (Recommended): Unlock "Title Images"

Kanbanoo has the capability to display one so-called "Title Image" on each card. For Kanbanoo to persistently save a pointer to the title image across sessions a property will be added to the M-Files object represented by the card.
To enable this feature you have to create a new M-Files property (which will be managed by Kanbanoo automatically). This property has to be of Data Type
Text and has to have the alias "com.kanbanoo.TitleImage".
Create a new property definition with Data Type Text and alias "com.kanbanoo.TitleImage".

Here is how to create it:
  1. Open M-Files Admin and navigate to the target vault.
  2. Navigate to Metadata Structure (Flat View) and select Property Definitions.
  3. In the right panel select New Property Definition - a new window will open.
  4. Give the property a name, for example "Kanban Title Image" or similar.
  5. Select the Data Type "Text".
  6. In the Advanced tab, enter "com.kanbanoo.TitleImage" in the Aliases field and press OK.

Kanbanoo will automatically add the above property to M-Files objects and manage its value when a user selects a title image for a card.
Kanbanoo card with title image
Adding a title image to a Kanban card can add important context for users or create a more fun experience.


  • You can use Metadata configuration in M-Files admin to group or hide the internal Kanbanoo properties

If you encounter any problems please write to to ask for help.