One of the Kanban practices is to make policies explicit. A simple way to implement this is in Kanbanoo is to set a Board Policy. Here is how to do it:
Setting up a board policy
Setting or changing the board policy requires the Manage Common Views role as it will apply to all users of the board.
To set a board policy:
Right-click on the board's header to bring up the board context menu.
Select Set Board Policy.
In the dialog that comes up, enter the board policy text and press Set Policy.
The board policy will be saved persistently in the M-Files Named Value Storage.
Note that a board policy is specific to the view where the Kanban board is hosted.
The Set Board Policy dialog allows you to define a board policy.
What to put in a board policy
The board policy should evolve together with the team using the board. When conducting a Kanban review meeting you may decide to add, remove or change a board policy - this is an expected and desirable outcome. It indicates that your organization is maturing and adapting to change.
Suggested content to put in a board policy:
Existing policies or SOPs related to the workflow (initial content)
Agreements you may have with your customers, e.g. lead time (to completion) or quality criteria
Additional tasks to perform outside M-Files
Criteria for urgent/expedite tasks which take priority over regular tasks, e.g. how to mark them and limits on their number
Limits on how many tasks are allowed per person or column or task type
When and how to mark a task as blocked and (how to) ask for assistance
How to deal with exceptions (e.g. rework or defects)
Criteria for discarding a task and how to communicate to customer
Acceptance criteria for incoming tasks
Viewing the board policy
The info icon next to the board title indicates that a board policy exists for that paricular board. To view the board policy, click on the info icon or right-click the board header and select Show Board Policy from the board context menu.
Regularly review and update the board policy to reflect the current practis
Try not to replicate information that is already contained in assignment descriptions - rather update those.