Creating a Kanban Card

In Kanbanoo cards directly correspond to M-Files objects. Therefore to manually create a Kanban card you have to create an M-Files object that will display in the currently visible Kanban board.

To create a Kanban card use the regular M-Files
Create button ( big plus symbol) or press the suitable button in the Create section of the M-Files task area.

Before pressing the Create button, make sure that no other M-Files object is selected by clicking into an empty area on the Kanban board - otherwise M-Files will establish a relationship between the two objects.

Make sure that your object's properties match the requirements for the current M-Files view, otherwise the newly created object will not show in the Kanban board. Should that happen, you can locate the object in M-Files
Recent view and change it appropriately.

Kanbanoo screenshot with Create button and task pane section highlighted


If you want to
create a separate assignment that is linked to a Kanban card, first select the Kanban card and then click the Create button. M-Files will automatically create the necessary relationship. You will have to press the Refresh button after closing the create dialog to see the newly created separate assignment.

If you encounter any problems please write to to ask for help.