The Kanbanoo User Interface

Kanbanoo is embedded in the M-Files client Listing area as shown below.
Kanbanoo is available in the M-Files Desktop client and with limited feature set in the M-Files classic web client.
Kanbanoo is not available in the new vNext web client and mobile clients due to lack of User Extensibility API.
Screenshot of Kanbanoo in M-Files client

Top panel

The top panel of Kanbanoo shows the Kanbanoo logo and five buttons.
Kanbanoo top panel
Clicking on the Kanbanoo logo will open the default browser with the Kanbanoo User Guide.

The first three buttons affect the display of Kanban cards:

Expand Cards

Expand Cards will enlarge all Kanban cards to show additional information if present:
  • The files contained in the M-Files objects (if the object is a multi-file document)
  • The assignment description
  • A list of documents with relationship to the card

Show Title Images

When this button is checked you enable the display of so-called
Title Images on Kanban cards. Each Kanban card can have one such title image and the image can be either the M-Files object itself (if it is an image file) or if it is a multi-file document one of its constituent (image) files. You can select the title image from each card's context menu (right click the card).
The Title Images features is currently not available in the M-Files web client due to limitations in the M-Files API.

Show Child Cards

When Show Child Cards is selected Kanbanoo will scan each displayed M-Files object for related objects (including separate assignments) and display the number of each object type on the card next to its object type icon. For the currently selected card the related objects will be shown as smaller cards immediately below the parent card. Managers can select which object types are displayed as child cards in the board configuration dialog.

Refresh button Refresh button updates the Kanbanoo display by reloading data from the M-Files server.

Help button Help button pops out the Help menu with a set of introductory tutorials, a link to the online User Guide (this page) and a Feedback dialog.

Main area

Below the top panel Kanbanoo shows one or more Kanban boards.

Each Kanban board consists of a board header and one or more columns.

The board header displays the name of the M-Files workflow or "Assignments" if it shows only M-Files assignments (with no workflow).

The board columns have a header and an area for displaying Kanban cards.

Each column corresponds to exactly one workflow state and displays its name and icon (if set) in the column header. The number of cards contained in a column is displayed in parentheses after the column name.

Kanban cards in each column represent M-Files objects that are in the corresponding workflow and workflow state.

M-Files objects that have no workflow and are not assignments are not displayed in Kanbanoo.

Assignments Board

Kanbanoo treats M-Files assignments somewhat special because they directly represent tasks, but typically do not carry a workflow (if assignments do carry a workflow, Kanbanoo treats them like all other objects).

Assignments are displayed in a Kanban board named "Assignments".
The Assignments board has two or three columns, depending on

  • Assignments that are not completed (including neither approved nor rejected) are listed in the Requested column.
  • If present, a user may move an assignment card to the In Progress column. This does not complete the assignment.
  • Completed assignments (including approved or rejected) are listed in the Done column, if and only if all assignees have completed the assignment (this is M-Files behaviour). If only some assignees have completed the assignment it will be shown in the In Progress column.

If you encounter any problems please write to to ask for help.